Confessions of a Sleep-Deprived Mom pt. 2
Well here we are again friends, it's been awhile since my first confession post. I wasn't necessarily waiting for more embarrassing things to happen to me, I was simply mustering up the courage to share some things that have happened since adding baby number two.
I was pretty confident walking into being a second-time mom.
Overconfident to say the least, and adding just one tiny, loud human to our mix really turned my world upside down. While I do feel like we are thriving with our heads above water instead of just trying to survive now, my life choices changed quite a bit and I am just now realizing it.
on laundry.
Keeping up with laundry quickly became a thing of the past. It wasn't until I would see my sweet, sweet husband trying to wear basketball shorts under his dress pants that I realized all the clothes were dirty. I would run downstairs with an overflowing laundry basket and tip the whole darn thing into the washing machine, no sorting necessary. The dump and go method. This resulted in washing my brand new iPhone.
on personal hygiene.
I get ready in a different place every single day. Because of this, I am constantly misplacing my deodorant. Eventually, it shows up in the most random places like the snack cabinet or the laundry room. I obviously can't go a day without it, so I end up using John's. He has bulk stash for some reason so I just opened a new one. While I think it smells great when he wears it, I end up just smelling like a pimp and giving off a very strange vibe at the grocery store.
I have to set an alarm on my phone to remind myself to brush my kids' teeth.
on being an upstanding citizen.
our library books have never been returned on time. I keep a bag of coins in the car for the late fees and Emma calls it our 'library monies.'
My guilty pleasure used to be singing as loud as I could to Justin Bieber in the car with the kids. I had to stop when Emma started using the phrases, "my mama don't like you" and "what do you mean" in the correct context during conversations with people. Apparently we haven't listened to the Sorry song enough...
There have been a handful of times where I pushed an entire cart of groceries and two babes into the public restroom stall. Even when the well-meaning high school employee said, "ma'am you actually can't do that." I just responded with, "oh honey, it's fine I do this all the time."
Above anything else, motherhood is humbling. Just when you think you have it figured out, it kicks you in the shin and says, silly girl you should know better! So if you happen to find yourself realizing that you are doing things you never thought you'd do pre-babies, you can just think, "I'm sure Alison has done this before."