Lit Loves
We have loved going on our weekly library visits and have found some real treasures! I will be sharing our favorites each week and would LOVE to hear yours too. I will be linking them through Amazon, but PLEASE check your library first! We have ordered most of our favorite books, but love to test them out from the library first! Just click on the picture or the book title for the links.
Everyone NEEDS this book. The illustrations are just beautiful and it is so well written. It goes through many different emotions and how they all make us who we are.
Ideas to discuss: coping skills for certain emotions
All of the babylit books are so darling. Both of my kids have learned basic emotions through this one!
Ideas to discuss: Situations that make us feel certain ways
One of my childhood favorites! Such a sweet story about a girl who makes Valentines for each of her friends with hearts that rained down from the sky.
Ideas to discuss: acts of kindness & having unique friendships
The most beautiful illustrations! We love this book so much. It is a story about two puppies that end up with the wrong families but quickly learn that it is okay to be different than others.
Ideas to discuss: What makes us different and what we can learn from each other
A beautiful story of the sweetest bunny family. Helps children understand that no matter what, they will always be loved.
Ideas to discuss: How God's love is even greater than our love for each other
I love a good interactive book! This one goes though animal-like yoga poses step by step!
One of my all-time favorites! A sweet story about a boy and his unusual pet elephant. It teaches friendship values and inclusion.
Their are no actual words in this book, only the alphabet! It is SO cute and funny as a run away cat encounters each letter of the alphabet. This one makes my three-year-old laugh out loud!